June 26, 2018 at 10:41:09 AM UTC
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			<li>				<a href="#" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Somali_Ogaden_flag-60x40.gif" alt="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" height="40" /></a>
				</li><li>				<a href="#" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground.png" alt="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" height="40" /></a>
				</li><li>				<a href="#" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-60x40.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" height="40" /></a>
				</li><li>				<a href="#" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives " class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" height="40" /></a>
				</li><li>				<a href="#" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" height="40" /></a>
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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" title="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Somali_Ogaden_flag-e1522786329862.gif" alt="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider " width="445" height="300" /></a></div>
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					<h2 class="slideshow"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" title="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia">ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia</a></h2>
					<p>ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia April 3, 2018 Yesterday, the Ethiopian EPRDF parliament has approved Abiy Ahmed to become the new prime minister of Ethiopian autocratic regime. However, the Somali people and even the Ethiopian peoples are skeptical of the current political moves by EPRDF to bring any meaningful change due to the culture and [&hellip;]</p>
					<p class="postmetadata">April 3, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments">no comments</a></p>


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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" title="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground.png" alt="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider " width="445" height="300" /></a></div>
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					<h2 class="slideshow"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" title="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom">Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom</a></h2>
					<p>ONLF Press Release Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom March 9, 2018 On February 22, 2018, the Ethiopian regime media splashed the pictures of hundreds of political prisoners raising their hands jailed in Jail Ogaden in Jigjiga, Ogaden and many other secret prisons all over Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government claimed it has released [&hellip;]</p>
					<p class="postmetadata">March 10, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments">no comments</a></p>


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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-445x300.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider " width="445" height="300" /></a></div>
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					<h2 class="slideshow"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia">Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia</a></h2>
					<p>Press Release The All-Inclusive Conference Initiated by Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) February 25, 2018 We the following political organisations:- Afar Liberation Front, Gmbella Regional Movement, Gambella Nilotes United Movement, Oromo Parliamentarian Council, Shekacho Peoples Movement for Democracy and Social Justice, Tatek Ethiopia for Freedom, Democracy and Unity for Ethiopia, Member Organizations of PAFD (Gambella Peoples Liberation Movement, [&hellip;]</p>
					<p class="postmetadata">February 28, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments">no comments</a></p>


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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives "><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-445x300.jpg" alt="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives " class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider " width="445" height="300" /></a></div>
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					<h2 class="slideshow"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives ">International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives </a></h2>
					<p>&nbsp; International Conference on Current Crisis in Ethiopia  Exploring  Realistic Alternatives  Conference Programs for Day 1  24 February 2018, London, UK  8:45 am to 8:00 pm GMT The Address of the conference Hall: &#8211; Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA It gives us a great pleasure to invite all stakeholders of Ethiopia and third parties, including, politicians, [&hellip;]</p>
					<p class="postmetadata">February 22, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments">no comments</a></p>


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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-445x300.jpg" alt="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider " width="445" height="300" /></a></div>
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					<h2 class="slideshow"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!">The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!</a></h2>
					<p>Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) Press Release on State-Terrorism in Ethiopia December 29, 2017 Under the iron feast rule of Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), the peoples of the country are subjected to insufferable conditions for the last 27 years. Unsatisfied with these, currently the regime is resorted to instigating a full-scale war between peacefully coexisted nations and peoples [&hellip;]</p>
					<p class="postmetadata">December 30, 2017 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments">no comments</a></p>


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				<p><p>Press Release
The All-Inclusive Conference Initiated by Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
February 25, 2018
We the following political organisations:- Afar Liberation Front, Gmbella Regional Movement, Gambella Nilotes United...</p></p>
				<p class="postmetadata">February 28, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957#commentspost" title="Jump to the comments" rel="nofollow">no comments</a></p>
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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia">ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia</a></h3>
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ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia
April 3, 2018
Yesterday, the Ethiopian EPRDF parliament has approved Abiy Ahmed to become the new prime minister of Ethiopian autocratic regime. However, the Somali people...</p></p>
				<p class="postmetadata">April 3, 2018 / <a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969#commentspost" title="Jump to the comments" rel="nofollow">no comments</a></p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia">Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-60x40.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>Press Release
The All-Inclusive Conference Initiated by Peoples Alliance for Freedom...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">February 28, 2018												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives ">International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives </a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives "><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives " class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>&nbsp;

International Conference on Current Crisis 
in Ethiopia
 Exploring  Realistic...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">February 22, 2018												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!">The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
Press Release on State-Terrorism...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">December 30, 2017												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=798" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Ethiopian Army  Forcefully Evacuates Pastoralists  for Oil Exploration in Ogaden">Ethiopian Army  Forcefully Evacuates Pastoralists  for Oil Exploration in Ogaden</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=798" title="Ethiopian Army  Forcefully Evacuates Pastoralists  for Oil Exploration in Ogaden"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ogaden_OIL_EXPLO.png" alt="Ethiopian Army  Forcefully Evacuates Pastoralists  for Oil Exploration in Ogaden" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>&nbsp;

ONLA Military Communiqué
October 15, 2015
 The Ethiopian Army has deployed...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">October 15, 2015												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=639" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Ogaden Fossil Fuel Will Not Be Exploited Without the Consent of the Ogaden People through a Genuine Representative Government">Ogaden Fossil Fuel Will Not Be Exploited Without the Consent of the Ogaden People through a Genuine Representative Government</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=639" title="Ogaden Fossil Fuel Will Not Be Exploited Without the Consent of the Ogaden People through a Genuine Representative Government"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ONLFsymbolwhitebackground-150x150.jpg" alt="Ogaden Fossil Fuel Will Not Be Exploited Without the Consent of the Ogaden People through a Genuine Representative Government" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>ONLF
Press Release
October14, 2014

ONLF is aware that a Chinese group and the Ethiopian...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">October 14, 2014												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=229" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Military Communique &#8211; Ethiopian Army&#8217;s aggression intended to pave the Way for Chinese exploitation of Ogaden Oil and Gas disrupted">Military Communique &#8211; Ethiopian Army&#8217;s aggression intended to pave the Way for Chinese exploitation of Ogaden Oil and Gas disrupted</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=229" title="Military Communique &#8211; Ethiopian Army&#8217;s aggression intended to pave the Way for Chinese exploitation of Ogaden Oil and Gas disrupted"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/et-lgflag-150x150-150x145.gif" alt="Military Communique &#8211; Ethiopian Army&#8217;s aggression intended to pave the Way for Chinese exploitation of Ogaden Oil and Gas disrupted" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>&nbsp;
September 1 2011
Ogaden National Liberation Front
Brigades from the Ethiopian...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">September 1, 2011												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=625" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden">Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=625" title="Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground-150x150.png" alt="Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>
ONLF Press Release
October 2, 2014
Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation in the Ogaden

						<p class="postmetadata">October 3, 2014												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia">ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" title="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Somali_Ogaden_flag-225x145.gif" alt="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>
ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia
April 3, 2018
						<p class="postmetadata">April 3, 2018												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom">Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" title="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground-150x150.png" alt="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>ONLF Press Release Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">March 10, 2018												</p>
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						<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia">Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia</a></h3>
						<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-225x145.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail " width="60" /></a></div>						<p><p>Press Release
The All-Inclusive Conference Initiated by Peoples Alliance for Freedom...</p></p>
						<p class="postmetadata">February 28, 2018												</p>
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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=625" title="Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden">Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=625" title="Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground.png" alt="Deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Ogaden" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>ONLF Press Release October 2, 2014 Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation in the Ogaden   &nbsp; The Ogaden National Liberation Front would like to inform the international community of a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Ogaden. People and their livestock are dying as a result of a drought for the second year running coupled with an economic blockade and manipulation of aid and trade [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2014-10-03" pubdate>October 3, 2014</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" title="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia">ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=969" title="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Somali_Ogaden_flag-120x80.gif" alt="ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>ONLF position regarding the apparent change of leadership in Ethiopia April 3, 2018 Yesterday, the Ethiopian EPRDF parliament has approved Abiy Ahmed to become the new prime minister of Ethiopian autocratic regime. However, the Somali people and even the Ethiopian peoples are skeptical of the current political moves by EPRDF to bring any meaningful change due to the culture and [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2018-04-03" pubdate>April 3, 2018</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" title="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom">Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=965" title="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground.png" alt="Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>ONLF Press Release Ethiopia’s mistreating of Somali prisoners is a factor in the struggle for Freedom March 9, 2018 On February 22, 2018, the Ethiopian regime media splashed the pictures of hundreds of political prisoners raising their hands jailed in Jail Ogaden in Jigjiga, Ogaden and many other secret prisons all over Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government claimed it has released [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2018-03-10" pubdate>March 10, 2018</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia">Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-120x80.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>Press Release The All-Inclusive Conference Initiated by Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) February 25, 2018 We the following political organisations:- Afar Liberation Front, Gmbella Regional Movement, Gambella Nilotes United Movement, Oromo Parliamentarian Council, Shekacho Peoples Movement for Democracy and Social Justice, Tatek Ethiopia for Freedom, Democracy and Unity for Ethiopia, Member Organizations of PAFD (Gambella Peoples Liberation Movement, [&hellip;]</p>
				<p class="postmetadata">
				<time datetime="2018-02-28" pubdate>February 28, 2018</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives ">International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives </a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives "><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-120x80.jpg" alt="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives " class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>&nbsp; International Conference on Current Crisis in Ethiopia  Exploring  Realistic Alternatives  Conference Programs for Day 1  24 February 2018, London, UK  8:45 am to 8:00 pm GMT The Address of the conference Hall: &#8211; Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA It gives us a great pleasure to invite all stakeholders of Ethiopia and third parties, including, politicians, [&hellip;]</p>
				<p class="postmetadata">
				<time datetime="2018-02-22" pubdate>February 22, 2018</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!">The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-120x80.jpg" alt="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) Press Release on State-Terrorism in Ethiopia December 29, 2017 Under the iron feast rule of Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), the peoples of the country are subjected to insufferable conditions for the last 27 years. Unsatisfied with these, currently the regime is resorted to instigating a full-scale war between peacefully coexisted nations and peoples [&hellip;]</p>
				<p class="postmetadata">
				<time datetime="2017-12-30" pubdate>December 30, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=28" rel="category">Editorial</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=947" title="ONLF and OLF Holds the Ethiopian government and its ruling Coalition Parties as solely responsible for the mass killings of Oromo and Somali peoples">ONLF and OLF Holds the Ethiopian government and its ruling Coalition Parties as solely responsible for the mass killings of Oromo and Somali peoples</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=947" title="ONLF and OLF Holds the Ethiopian government and its ruling Coalition Parties as solely responsible for the mass killings of Oromo and Somali peoples"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF_OLF2.png" alt="ONLF and OLF Holds the Ethiopian government and its ruling Coalition Parties as solely responsible for the mass killings of Oromo and Somali peoples" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>Joint Statement Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) December 21, 2017 The Ethiopian government has been systematically instigating conflict between and within nations in Ethiopia to divert the attention of the stakeholders from its failing rule for the last two years. Although, the Ethiopian government has continually employed divide-and-rule tactics across the country by systematically instigating [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2017-12-21" pubdate>December 21, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=940" title="Oromos Massacre  Somalis in Western Harar Oromia Region">Oromos Massacre  Somalis in Western Harar Oromia Region</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=940" title="Oromos Massacre  Somalis in Western Harar Oromia Region"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ONLF-symbolgreenbackground.png" alt="Oromos Massacre  Somalis in Western Harar Oromia Region" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>&nbsp; OPress Release Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Oromo Massacre of Somalis in Western Harar Oromia Region December 17, 2017 &nbsp; On December 15, 2017 Oromo mobs wantonly massacred 170 Somali civilians living in Oromia state, Western Harar Region. The killings occurred in the villages of Gadula, Arooreti, Majaare, Balbaleyti, and Huluqo. In the village of Gadula, Federal police collected [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2017-12-17" pubdate>December 17, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=936" title="ONLF Response to the Somali Cabinet Decision on the Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia">ONLF Response to the Somali Cabinet Decision on the Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=936" title="ONLF Response to the Somali Cabinet Decision on the Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Somali-girls-120x80.jpg" alt="ONLF Response to the Somali Cabinet Decision on the Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>Statement by Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) September 8, 2017 ONLF Response to the Somali Cabinet Decision on the Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia On September 6, 2017 the minister of information of Somalia read a statement  in which he claimed that ONLF has a relationship with Al-Shabab and was involved in Activities that are endangering the [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2017-09-09" pubdate>September 9, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=923" title="Disinformation about Abdikarin’s refoulement  to TPLF-led Ethiopian regime  by the Somali regime of Farmajo">Disinformation about Abdikarin’s refoulement  to TPLF-led Ethiopian regime  by the Somali regime of Farmajo</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=923" title="Disinformation about Abdikarin’s refoulement  to TPLF-led Ethiopian regime  by the Somali regime of Farmajo"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Abdikarin_sh_muse_-120x80.jpg" alt="Disinformation about Abdikarin’s refoulement  to TPLF-led Ethiopian regime  by the Somali regime of Farmajo" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>ONLF Press Release Disinformation about Abdikarin’s refoulement  to TPLF-led Ethiopian regime  by the Somali regime of Farmajo September 2, 2017 &nbsp; On August 28, 2017  Mr Abdikarin Sheikh Muse,  an executive committee member of the ONLF, who advocates for the rights of Somali people in Ogaden was illegally handed over to the TPLF led regime in Ethiopia. Mr Muse was [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2017-09-02" pubdate>September 2, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=9" rel="category">Press Release</a>, <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=7" rel="category">video</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<h3><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=917" title="The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia">The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia</a></h3>

				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=917" title="The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Abdikarin_sh_muse_-120x80.jpg" alt="The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail loop-main " width="120" height="80" /></a></div><!-- end .cover -->
				<p>ONLF Press Release August 30, 2017 The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia The regional security of the Galkacyo, Galmudug  regional state in central Somalia detained on August 23, 2017 Mr Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, an Executive committee member of ONLF, who was residing in Mogadishu for the last three years. Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse whole [&hellip;]</p>
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				<time datetime="2017-08-30" pubdate>August 30, 2017</time>				<span class="category"> / <a href="http://onlf.org/?cat=3" rel="category">News</a></span>				<span class="comments"> / <span></span></span></p>

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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=957" title="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ONLF-OLF-60x40.png" alt="Press Release: Call for United Front to Bring Genuine Democratic Change in Ethiopia" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>
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						<time datetime="2018-02-28" pubdate>February 28, 2018</time>						 / <span></span>					</span>
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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=955" title="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives "><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="International Conference on Current Crisis  in Ethiopia:   Exploring  Realistic Alternatives " class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>
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				<div class="cover"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!"><img src="http://onlf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PAFD_LOGO-60x40.jpg" alt="The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail homepage-slider-thumb " width="60" /></a></div>
				<h2 class="title"><a href="http://onlf.org/?p=952" title="Permalink to The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!">The EPRDF Orchestrated War between Nations in Ethiopia Must Unconditionally Come To an End!</a></h2>
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						<time datetime="2017-12-30" pubdate>December 30, 2017</time>						 / <span></span>					</span>
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